Cannabis: What you need to know

Words cannabis and marijuana are often used interchangeably, even though they don’t mean the same thing. Cannabis is referred to all the products derived from the plant Cannabis sativa. In contrast, marijuana refers to parts of or products from the plant Cannabis sativa that contain substantial amounts of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC is the substance that’s primarily responsible for the effects of marijuana on a person’s mental state. Cannabis is used as a psychoactive drug and as a medicine.
Cannabis Facts
How you can use cannabis
- smoking or vaping it
- brewing it as a tea
- consuming it in the form of edibles, such as brownies or candies
- eating it raw
- applying it as a topical treatment
- taking it as capsules or supplements
Cannabis has been consumed over the years for its physiological and physiological effects, including a heightened mood, relaxation, and an increase in appetite. Drugs containing cannabinoids may help treat certain rare forms of epilepsy, nausea and vomiting associated with cancer chemotherapy, and loss of appetite and weight loss associated with HIV/AIDS. In addition, some evidence suggests modest benefits of cannabis or cannabinoids for chronic pain and multiple sclerosis symptoms. The unwanted side-effects that cannabis can cause are reddening of the eyes, anxiousness, paranoia, short term memory loss, dry mouth, decreased motor skills.
Rapid heart rate, red eyes, dry mouth and paranoia. THC can affect sensory perception. Colours may seem brighter, music more vivid, and emotions more profound.
Large doses of cannabinoids can cause the development of tolerances and physiological dependency and then lead to abuse. A tolerance to the cardiac and psychotropic effects can occur, and withdrawal syndrome produces restlessness, insomnia, anorexia and nausea. Long term abuse can lead to schizophrenia. The use of cannabis drug has been linked to an increased risk of motor vehicle crashes. Some people who use cannabis develop cannabis use disorder, which has symptoms such as craving, withdrawal, lack of control, and adverse effects on personal and professional responsibilities.
Cannabis is used by smoking or eating and is excreted as Δ 9-THC, which is the primary active ingredient in cannabinoids. The main metabolite excreted in the urine is 11-nor-Δ9-THC-9-COOH, which are found within hours of exposure and remain detectable in the urine for 3-10 days after smoking, or up to 30 days for chronic use.
Cannabis testing Australia
If you’re wondering how to test someone for using cannabis, Oz Drug Tests has the answer. With the use of our urine drug test, cannabis can be easily detected. Employers have been testing the use of cannabis Australia wide thanks to our wide selection of urine and saliva drug tests. At Oz Drug Tests, you can explore our selection of urine drug test kits ranging from single-use for at-home or large packs for the workplace and find just what you need. We offer a 100% money-back guarantee.