RBT’s to be stopped due to coronavirus
Police in all Australian states have stopped roadside random breath tests (RBT’s) due to coronavirus fears. This also extends to drug testing.
“This is about keeping people safe.” Says Police association president Tony King
The reason for stopping RBT’s is if one person has the corona virus and contaminates the officer’s gloves or breathalyser, then they could possibly contaminate the next 40, 50, 100 people!

Police will still be pulling suspect drivers over and subjecting them to alcohol and drug testing…. but just not at a roadside RBT station. This will scale up the mobile testing teams, police have said.
Officers will seek to wear masks where possible when making close contact arrests. Police could also be directed to deal with more crimes “over the phone or by video link”.
A decision to reduce stationary roadside random breath-testing in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak would lead to an immediate spike in alcohol-related road deaths and injuries, road safety experts said.